Here are the best top tips for Online Horse Showing that could help you win.
Online Horse Showing's Top Tips

Before we get started, here's how to enter:
Entries can be sent in via our form on the "Enter Here" page of our website.
Online Horse Showing Tip #1 - Which class suits you?
To help choose which class is suitable for you, please ensure you have read the class description, you can do this by clicking on the specific class and scrolling down until you see the class details.
The class will specify the rules and judging criteria before you enter. For your best chance at winning a rosette, you will want to make sure that your image meets the class theme.
If you are still unsure, please feel free to email us or private message us via social media.
Online Horse Showing Tip #2 - Class criteria
Be sure to fully read the class criteria before entering. This will ensure that you're entering images that match the class criteria.
Creating a collage could work for OR against you. Having a collage that is too "busy" could result in the judge being unable to fully see and assess the images. However, not creating a collage could be the difference between placing and not placing at all.
Some classes may require images that are judged on the horse's paces so, again, please be sure to take advantage of collages where encouraged to help the judge score your horse.
Online Horse Showing Tip #3 - Turnout and condition

When entering a class that judges both you and the horse on turnout, you need to make sure that you are wearing the correct turnout for the class you have entered. Both horse and rider must look presentable, with clean tack, and plaited/trimmed/left naturally accordingly.
For classes that involve condition, we encourage you to include a side-on photo. This will allow the judge to assess your horse easier and more accurately than with a front-facing image. No saddle is always encouraged, but not a must. Submitting a single headshot in a class that specifies the judge will be looking at your horse's coat and condition will unlikely place.
Please note that turnout is NOT your horse being turned out in the field, it is the horse and rider's show gear / attire.
Online Horse Showing Tip #4 - Jumping classes
For classes that require a horse and rider's jump quality to be assessed, we encourage a side-on shot, or a clear shot from the shoulder where both the horse and rider can be scored sufficiently. This allows the judge to see the shape both horse and rider are making over a fence, and might be the difference between your placings.
Online Horse Showing Tip #5 - Alertness

Entering images where the horse doesn't look engaged or alert can also hinder your results. A horse with its ears forward and looking interested in what is happening could be placed higher than a horse that is not, depending on the class.
We recommend that you enter images where your horse looks aware and alert with their ears forward, unless there is a specific class that doesn't require this.
Online Horse Showing Tip #6 - Blurred images
Entering a blurred image can result in a lower mark within your class. If the photo isn't clear the judge will not be able to evaluate the image correctly. This could result in your image not placing.
Ensuring the image is clear (without pixelation) and with the horse as the main focus will create an appealing photo to the judge.
Online Horse Showing Tip #7 - Image Rotation
For the judge to mark your horse correctly, please ensure that all images are rotated the correct way up. If the images are not upwards facing and easily viewable, this could result in the judge lowering your score, meaning you could place lower than if your photo was the right way up.
Online Horse Showing Tip #8 - Watermarked Images
Watermarked images will only be accepted if you have purchased the full image, and the photographer has left their logo on for advertising purposes only.
Images that have a watermark directly across the subject will not be accepted WITHOUT a screenshot of the photographer's permission.
Example: The image with the watermark OVER the subject will be rejected, though the advertising watermark as shown in the second photo will be accepted. Please ensure you still have permission to submit the purchased photo.
Online Horse Showing Tip #9 - Collages
We always encourage the competitor to make use of collages when they're permitted in a class, though overcrowding a collage can also work against you. Ensuring the judge can see each individual image will help in your scoring amongst the other entrants.
Online Horse Showing Tip #10 - Deceased horse OR old images
Horses that may be deceased or no longer owned by you are still allowed to be entered, as long as you own the rights to the image. If entering age-specific classes, please ensure that (at the time the image was taken) the horse and rider are within the stated age bracket.
For any other questions please feel free to email us.
Online Horse Showing Tip #11 - General class help
Photo of the Month - This MUST be a photo that you have taken in the CURRENT show month.
Horse of the Month - We STRONGLY encourage you to make use of the collage option. Showing the judge what you and your horse have gotten up to in the CURRENT show month could go in your favour.
Condition or coat-based classes - You MUST submit a shot where the judge can see your horse's body. Failure to do this may result in your entry not being placed.
Turnout classes - Ensure your horse and rider if pictured are both in the correct turnout. This should be clean, presentable show clothing. If you are turned out to an "unusual" type, please feel free to include details upon entry.
Headshot classes - Images close up of your horse will be preferred. Traditionally a headshot is shoulders and up, though this is not a strict rule.
Mobile phone classes - Any entries made into classes that are marked as mobile phone classes MUST be taken on a mobile phone only. You can find the details for this in the class criteria.
Collage classes - If a class asks you to utilise the collage option this will likely mean the judge ill be looking for a variety of angles/disciplines or something else listed within the class description. Please avoid overcrowding of the image.